Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Ed Psychology and Research


Educational Psychology

Committee Chair

Susan Magun-Jackson

Committee Member

Christian E Mueller

Committee Member

Yeh Hsueh

Committee Member

George Relyea


A large body of theoretical work supports the use of Zimmerman's three-phase cyclical model of self-regulated learning (SRL). The current research questions look beyond the individual phases (forethought, performance control, and reflection) and more at the cyclical model of SRL in its entirety. The study uniquely used authentic learning tasks in order to establish an assessment framework for investigating SRL re-engagement and explored internal learner factors that may affect the re-engagement process. The participants were defined as self-regulated reengagers when self-regulatory behaviors (self-efficacy, master goal orientation, effort regulation, metacognition, and the outcome causality of effort) were continuously utilized from one task to the next. The results of this study indicated that Zimmerman's model of SRL was considered an applicable foundation for the SRL assessment framework for defining SRL re-engagement. Results show that 100% of participants who were high self-regulators during each of the three phases were self-regulated learners who reengaged in the learning process. These results demonstrate the need for learners to continuously utilize SRL behaviors and pinpoints temporal aspects in the acquisition of learning. The results also revealed the existence of a positive relationship between the participants' re-engagement and the participants' perceived value for a specific academic task. The study denotes one factor that can support or impede a learner's proclivity for reengaging in the SRL process, thus altering the acquisition of learning. In order to improve learning achievement, future research must explore additional characteristics of SRL re-engagement.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
