Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts
Art History
Egyptian Art and Archaeology
Committee Chair
Nigel Strudwick
Committee Member
Lorelei H. Corcoran
Committee Member
Patricia V. Podzorski
The collection of the Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology at the University of Memphis contains a coffin fragment (1994.4.9) of unknown provenance, donated by Glenn White, a private collector in 1994. Through iconographical analysis, translation, and comparison to published coffins, I will evaluate the coffin fragment (1994.4.9). I suggest that it was created with a generic design and personalized. Due to certain writings on the coffin and its iconography, it most likely dates to sometime between the Twenty-Fifth and Thirtieth Dynasties. This coffin bears the name of its owner and his father, both of which could belong to foreigners in Egypt due to the unusual nature of the names. This coffin fragment adds to the corpus of Third Intermediate and Late Period coffins.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Valentine, Megan D., "An Examination of a Coffin Fragment in the Collection of the Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology at the University of Memphis (1994.4.9)" (2013). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 716.
Data is provided by the student.