Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education
Instr and Curr Leadership
Instructional Design and Tech
Committee Chair
Clif Mims
Committee Member
Susan Naomi Nordstrom
Committee Member
Deborah Lowther
Committee Member
Catherine Wilson
At the time of this research, implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) represented a fundamental shift in the way teachers were to provide instruction. The standards were designed to emphasize rigorous content and disciplinary practices that required higher order thinking, depth of knowledge, and adaptive application at each grade level. Expectations for high quality, student-centered technology integration were also embedded within some of the standards. The purpose of this research was to examine the perspectives of K-8 teachers after professional development and their experiences changing instructional practices for CCSS and technology integration. This phenomenological study was guided by three research questions: 1) How do selected teachers perceive their professional development experiences for Common Core State Standards and technology integration? 2) What instructional practices are the selected teachers changing after attending professional development? 3) What are the experiences of selected teachers when they implement Common Core State Standards and technology integration? The experiences, perceptions, and subsequent instructional practices of five K-8 teachers were explicated through phenomenological data analysis of semi-structured in-depth interview text. The investigation provides insight into 1) how perceptions of professional development were situated within the teachers’ instructional practices, 2) the authentic experiences of the teachers as they shifted their practices in response to the demands of CCSS, and 3) how teachers responded to and implemented technology integration during the transition to Common Core Standards. The findings suggest participants: 1) worked in a context in which pedagogical priorities largely focused on standardized assessments, 2) held learning orientations that were both hidden and revealed, 3) appreciated and perceived benefit from explicit PD instruction and practice/dialogue with peers, 4) described instructional changes for CCSS implementation, 5) three discussed using technology in new ways, 6) developed an understanding of CCSS while 7) working to develop a fellowship of thoughtful learners through facilitation of in-depth student learning, and 8) revealed possible differences in technological pedagogical knowledge. The implications of this research may be of interest to state and local leaders as well as professional development planners/presenters, who work to change instruction and are interested in the transition to CCSS and integrating technology.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Christopher, Angela V., "Common Core State Standards and Technology Integration: A Study of Teachers' Experiences After Professional Development" (2014). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 893.
Data is provided by the student.