Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Instr and Curr Leadership


Special Education

Committee Chair

Laura Casey

Committee Member

Mark Conley

Committee Member

James Meindl

Committee Member

Neal Miller


The current study evaluated three methods by which clinical feedback may be delivered to practicum students and how those methods effect various aspects of supervision. Specifically, participants were asked to deliver feedback to a student while either (a) watching them practice behavioral activities with a client via video, (b) viewing a video of a student and waiting a duration of time before providing supervision, and (c) offering feedback when no video was observed of the student engaging in practicum activities. Measures were developed to help assess the quality of supervision delivered within these three conditions and included:(a) the duration of time it took for feedback to be provided, (b) whether supervisors identified and addressed erroneous student practices, (c) the number of behavioral principles, concepts, and practices discussed (i.e., task items), and (d) whether participants followed through with what may be considered important components to providing effective supervision. Results indicated that a statistically significant difference between means existed for the dependent measures of duration, components to supervision, and the number of task items addressed. Even though the participants spent more time providing simultaneous feedback (M = 3183.87) to the student, no statistical difference occurred between the delayed and no video conditions. Likewise, participants also had overall higher scores in the real time video condition in terms of addressing task list items (M = 12) and including key components of supervision (M = 3.5). However, participants identified and discussed more inappropriately used behavioral practices (M = 4.9) of the student during the no video condition.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
