Nick-Storying and the Body’s Immersion and Participation in the World: Forming Aggregates for Early Childhood Education


This chapter concerns thinking about how bodies become, and how to aggregate ongoing experiments toward a different future for human and more-than-human coexistence in early childhood education and beyond. To do so we turn our focus toward how human bodies as living matter provide a surface for cultural inscription. In conversation with Grosz (The nick of time: Politics, evolution, and the untimely, 2004) we are grasping a radical thinking about the nature and ontology of the body and making connections to how this conceptualization might create a different starting point for equity and justice practices in educational early childhood institutions. In doing so we also perform the practice of nick-storying. Nick-storying is an open-ended storying practice that contains the events of recognizing that one’s body is not one’s own. Nick-storying in this chapter are aggregates that might cohere and unleash material forces in the world to invent ways to live.

Publication Title

Children: Global Posthumanist Perspectives and Materialist Theories
