The utilization of vocational rehabilitation services in substance abuse treatment facilities in the U.S


Unemployment and underemployment are major issues for persons with substance abuse and addiction concerns. The failure to address these issues can have substantial negative effects on the ability of such individuals to attain and maintain sobriety. Preliminary research indicates that the provision of vocational rehabilitation (VR) services can aid substance abusers not only in attaining competitive employment, but also in maintaining a substance free lifestyle. Despite this fact, early indications suggest that few substance abuse treatment facilities provide VR to clients. The present study assessed the use of VR services and the training and VR related credentials of clinical staff members in a nationally representative sample of 159 substance abuse treatment facilities. Results indicate that few of these substance abuse treatment facilities provide VR to their clients, have staff members equipped to provide such services, or actively refer clients to outside VR agencies. Given the extreme need for VR by persons with substance abuse concerns, these are issues that must be addressed by both substance abuse treatment and VR service providers. © 2008 IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Publication Title

Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation

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