Measuring sense of community and academic learning in graduate education


This article reports findings from a research study that investigated sense of community and perceived learning among 223 graduate-level education students. Utilizing canonical correlation analysis, the researchers examined the interaction between two types of classroom community (social community and learning community) and three types of perceived learning (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning). Results indicate that the higher the sense of both social and learning community that students have, the higher their perceived learning will be in all three areas (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor perceived learning). The reverse is also true; participants who report low levels of social and learning community also show lower levels of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor perceived learning. Recommendations for further research are provided. © Common Ground, Deanna Nisbet, Mervyn Wighting, Amanda Rockinson-Szapkiw, All Rights Reserved.

Publication Title

International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies
