Grassroots adoption of cloud-based storage solutions


The introduction of innovative technologies by employees into their workplace has been a long-standing practice. This informal introduction of technology within an organization without the organizational support or sanction is defined as ‘‘grassroots diffusion.’’ While a plethora of research studies have focused on factors contributing to individuals’ technology adoption decisions, these studies have failed to understand the factors that contribute to technology adoption and continuance usage through the grassroots diffusion process. In understanding the factors that contribute to the grassroots diffusion process, we test a model by administering a survey to full-and part-time employees who use a cloud-based storage application for work-related tasks and who work for organizations that do not formally provide and require the use of the chosen application. The results suggest that source credibility, response cost, satisfaction, and perceived usefulness have significant influence on continuance usage intention of cloud-based applications adopted through the grassroots diffusion process.

Publication Title

Journal of Information Systems
