Hydrological simulation of Tennessee's north Reelfoot Creek watershed


Agricultural runoff modeling was performed on North Reelfoot Creek watershed using Hydrological Simulation Program in FORTRAN (HSPF) to demonstrate the usefulness of the model for a West Tennessee watershed. This 146-km2 basin was selected because of its extensive agricultural activities, which have contributed to significant soil erosion and sedimentation problems in nearby surface waters. Water-quality and stream-flow data obtained from the U.S. Geological Survey over a 54-month study period were used in calibration and verification of the model. The dynamics of watershed land use during the entire simulation period presented a challenge to modeling strategy development. Model parameters related to hydrologic/hydraulic and sediment washoff/transport processes were determined. Generally, annual and monthly simulations on hydrology and sediment were good. Simulations on a short-term basis for selected storm events, however, were fair.

Publication Title

Research Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation

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