"The versatility of oxidation ditches" by Larry W. Moore and Brett N. Ward

The versatility of oxidation ditches


The operations performed by, oxygen ditches and, their renovations, to optimize the process cost, are discussed. Oxygen ditches are designed to remove carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD) and ammonia by oxidizing these high energy compounds into simpler products that are less harmful to the environment. Effluents from a conventional oxidation ditch has between 5 and 15 mg/L of CBOD and total suspended solids (TSS). The approaches used to renovate oxygen ditches, include the provision of an anoxic zone with the existing ditch to achieve denitrification, and removal of nitrate-nitrogen from the system as nitrogen gas. The change can be done by controlling dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. Benefits of the approach include nitrate-nitrogen removal, reduced oxygen requirements, lower energy costs, enhanced sludge settleability, and improved effluent quality.

Publication Title

Water Environment and Technology

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