""Rational" models and values in contentious situations: A case study o" by James F. Courtney and Sandra M. Richardson

"Rational" models and values in contentious situations: A case study of a university budgeting process


This paper describes the value-laden and contentious budgeting process in a large university system in the southeastern US. Budgets are computed using the "Flying Horse Model," based on historical enrollment in terms of semester credit hours, a "productivity factory" for faculty in each college and national average salary by college. The model is intended to make the process more "rational" and outcomes more equitable. A new version of this model is being developed following the knowledge management system design principles of Richardson, et al. (in press) which emphasize ethical issues. The model also illustrates new decision support software designed to enhance communication among stakeholders by better visualization of model results.

Publication Title

Association for Information Systems - 12th Americas Conference On Information Systems, AMCIS 2006

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