"Value estimation of software functional test cases" by Yao Shi, Mark L. Gillenson et al.

Value estimation of software functional test cases


Software testing is critical to ensure that programs function properly. However, the resources of software testing are limited, requiring testers to make important decisions on allocating those resources. A critical task in the process is to decide which test cases have the greatest value in discovering defects in the code. This study attempts to develop a function for quantifying the value of a functional test case and provides a mechanism for the selection of key functional test cases. We proposed an initial value function based on a comprehensive analysis of the pertinent literature and industry best practices. We conducted a single case study and interviewed 27 software testing experts to get their feedback on the initial value function. In the remaining work, we will finalize the value function based on the feedback analysis. The function will help in prioritizing test cases and addressing the resource constraint issues in software testing.

Publication Title

25th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2019

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