Homeownership and Housing Equity: An Examination of Native- Immigrant Differences in Housing Wealth


This paper examines the differences in homeownership between immigrants and native-born residents using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79) data. We estimate the preference for homeownership and the amount of home equity held by households using a two-stage procedure. The results indicate that, although immigrants are less likely to be homeowners, immigrants who make the decision to own homes are more likely to have greater housing equity than native-born residents. About 66 to 70% of the disparity in homeownership can be explained by the difference in characteristics. The remaining disparity results from different homeownership functions estimated for the two groups. We discuss the implications of these findings for policy makers, real estate market researchers, and scholars of consumer behavior. © 2011 International Atlantic Economic Society.

Publication Title

International Advances in Economic Research
