Testing moderator variable hypotheses meta-analytically
We propose and illustrate a three-step procedure for testing moderator variable hypotheses meta-analytically. The procedure is based on Hedges and Olkin's (1985) meta-analytic approach, yet it incorporates study-level corrections for methodological and statistical artifacts that are typically advocated and used within psychometric approaches to meta-analysis (e.g., Hunter & Schmidt, 1990). The three-step procedure entails: (a) correcting study-level effect size estimates for across-study variability due to methodological and statistical artifacts, (b) testing the overall homogeneity of study-level effect size estimates after the artifactual sources of variance have been removed, and (c) testing the effects of hypothesized moderator variables.
Publication Title
Journal of Management
Recommended Citation
Aguinis, H., & Pierce, C. (1998). Testing moderator variable hypotheses meta-analytically. Journal of Management, 24 (5), 577-592. https://doi.org/10.1177/014920639802400501