"Finite element model of the human knee joint to study tibiofemoral con" by Tammy Haut Donahue, Maury L. Hull et al.

Finite element model of the human knee joint to study tibiofemoral contact mechanics


A finite element model of the tibio-femoral joint in thehuman knee was created using a new technique for developingaccurate solid models of softtissues(i.e. cartilage and menisci).The model was used to demonstrate that constraining rotationaldegrees of freedom other than flexion/extension when the jointis loaded in compression markedly affects the load disti'ibutionbetween the medial and lateral sides of the joint. The modelalso was used to validate the assumption that the bones can betreated as rigid.

Publication Title

ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
