"Optimal design of structures with kinematic nonlinear behavior" by S. Pezeshk

Optimal design of structures with kinematic nonlinear behavior


This paper suggests an optimization-based methodology for the designof minimum weight structures with kinematic nonlinear behavior. Attention isfocused on three-dimensional reticulated structures idealized with beam elementsunder proportional static loadings. The algorithm used for optimization is basedon a classical optimality criterion approach using an active-set strategy for extremelimit constraints on the design variables. A first-order necessary condition is derivedand used as the basis of a fixed-point iteration method to search for the optimaldesign. A fixed-point iteration algorithm is used based on the criterion that atoptimum design the nonlinear strain energy is equal in all members. A nonlinearanalysis procedure for three-dimensional structures is discussed and used in developingthe optimization algorithm. Several examples are given to evaluate thevalidity of the underlying assumptions and to demonstrate some of the characteristicsof the proposed procedures. The procedure is verified using two well-knownexamples © ASCE.

Publication Title

Journal of Engineering Mechanics
