Penetration vs. Shear wave velocity for evaluation of liquefaction potential in Northeast Arkansas


Shear wave velocity profiles at 16 bridge sites in Northeast Arkansas (NEA) were determined using a hybrid, non-invasive technique. These profiles were used to evaluate the liquefaction resistance at the selected sites using the simplified procedure by Seed and Idriss (Vs approach). The liquefaction resistance was also evaluated using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT approach) results from the geotechnical investigations at these sites that were conducted by the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD). The Liquefaction Potential Index (LPI), as introduced by Iwasaki, was used to evaluate the severity of liquefaction. The results of both approaches were then compared. Recommendations were made to AHTD personnel for liquefaction evaluation of future bridge projects based on the results of this research. © Elsayed and Pezeshk; Licensee Bentham Open.

Publication Title

Open Civil Engineering Journal
