"Fractal analysis of magnetic resonance images of the brain" by R. Deaton, L. Tang et al.

Fractal analysis of magnetic resonance images of the brain


The image intensity surfaces of T1-weighted, T2-weighted, and Proton Density-weighted magnetic resonance images of the brain were found to be fractal. A statistical analysis of the fractal dimension showed that normal tissue and abnormal tissue (pathology and edema) could be distinguished by comparing fractal dimensions from the T2-weighted and Proton Density-weighted images. For normal tissue, no significant differences existed among fractal dimensions for T1-weighted, T2-weighted, and Proton Density-weighted images. Based on this study, the fractal dimension comparison between T2-weighted and PD-weighted images could classify normal versus abnormal tissue in MR images.

Publication Title

Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings

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