"QpQs relations in a sedimentary basin using converted phases" by R. H. Clouser and C. A. Langston

QpQs relations in a sedimentary basin using converted phases


Presents an in situ estimation of the relation between Qs and Qp in a 1.4-km-thick Tertiary sedimentary basin in the Gazli region, Uzbekistan, USSR, using the spectral ratio method. Results for stations with well-constrained spectral ratio slopes give a Qs between 10 and 25 for Qp between 10 and 70. Those with smaller, poorly constrained slopes give relations with a higher Qs/Qp ratio. These relations are compared with laboratory and in situ measurements of Qs and Qp and some theoretical relations. Effects of scattering on the apparent Q values are also considered. -from Authors

Publication Title

Bulletin - Seismological Society of America

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