"Regularized linear method for reconstruction of three-dimensional micr" by Chrysanthe Preza, Michael I. Miller et al.

Regularized linear method for reconstruction of three-dimensional microscopic objects from optical sections


The inverse problem involving the determination of a three-dimensional biological structure from images obtained by means of optical-sectioning microscopy is ill posed. Although the linear least-squares solution can be obtained rapidly by inverse filtering, we show here that it is unstable because of the inversion of small eigenvalues of the microscope’s point-spread-function operator. We have regularized the problem by application of the linear-precision-gauge formalism of Joyce and Root [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 1, 149 (1984)]. In our method the solution is regularized by being constrained to lie in a subspace spanned by the eigenvectors corresponding to a selected number of large eigenvalues. The trade-off between the variance and the regularization error determines the number of eigenvalues inverted in the estimation. The resulting linear method is a one-step algorithm that yields, in a few seconds, solutions that are optimal in the mean-square sense when the correct number of eigenvalues are inverted. Results from sensitivity studies show that the proposed method is robust to noise and to underestimation of the width of the point-spread function. The method proposed here is particularly useful for applications in which processing speed is critical, such as studies of living specimens and timelapse analyses. For these applications existing iterative methods are impractical without expensive and/or specially designed hardware. © 1992 Optical Society of America.

Publication Title

Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision
