"Fatigue assessment of 17-4 PH stainless steel notched specimens made b" by Filippo Berto, Ali Fatemi et al.

Fatigue assessment of 17-4 PH stainless steel notched specimens made by direct metal laser sintering


Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) offers economical production of customized components with complex geometries in a shorter design-to-manufacture cycle. Similar to other additive manufacturing (AM) techniques, this method is used for the production of complex geometries that include various kinds of notch geometries. The basic understanding of the fatigue behavior of the notched specimens produced with AM techniques, however, must be substantially improved before the unique features of this rapidly developing technology can be used in critical load bearing applications. The axial and torsional fatigue behavior of severely notched components made of additively manufactured 17-4 PH stainless steel was studied in the present paper. The experimental fatigue tests were performed under axial- and torsional-loading conditions. Cylindrical specimens with notch tip radius of 0.1 mm were employed to evaluate the fatigue behavior of the specimens under different loading conditions.

Publication Title

ASTM Special Technical Publication
