Fracture toughness and quantitative computed tomography number of human tibia cortical bone


In spite of its importance, the fracture toughness of human bone has been the subject of only a few studies. The objective of the first part of the present work was, thus, to expand this database. For this purpose, linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) principles and single-edge-notched three-point bend specimens were used to determine the fracture toughness of compact bone cut from the tibiae of embalmed cadavers (donor ages between 36 and 94 years). The overall mean and standard deviations of the fracture toughness were 3.12 and 1.21 MP/m, respectively. The case for using LEFM principles, various aspects of four key variables, and the present results are all fully discussed. In the second part of the study, the computed tomography (CT) number of all the specimens were measured. Correlational analysis of all the results demonstrated that CT number exerts a moderately positive influence on fracture toughness for this bone. The clinical significance of this finding is discussed. © World Scientific Publishing Company.

Publication Title

Journal of Musculoskeletal Research
