Monotonic and cyclic deformations of case-hardened steels including residual stress effects


Monotonic and cyclic deformations of case-hardened steel specimens under axial loading were investigated experimentally and analytically. A finite element (FE) model for the case-hardened specimens was constructed to study multiaxial stresses due to different plastic flow behaviour between the case and the core, as well as to evaluate residual stress relaxation and redistribution subsequent to cyclic loading. The multiaxial stress is shown to increase the effective stress on the surface, and, therefore, unfavourable to yielding or fatigue crack nucleation. The residual stresses are shown to relax or redistribute, even in the elastic-behaving region, when any part of a case-hardened specimen or component undergoes plastic deformation. Multi-layer models were used to analyse and predict monotonic and cyclic deformation behaviours of the case-hardened specimen based on the core and case material properties, and the results are compared with the experimental as well as FE model results. The predicted monotonic stress-strain curves were close to the experimental curves, but the predicted cyclic stress-strain curves were higher than the experimental curves. © 2008 The Authors.

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