"Simulating magnetic positive positioning of cryogenic propellants in a" by Jeffrey G. Marchetta and Kevin M. Roos

Simulating magnetic positive positioning of cryogenic propellants in a transient acceleration field


A computational simulation of magnetic positive positioning (MP2) is developed to model cryogenic propellant reorientation in reduced gravity. Previous efforts have successfully incorporated an electromagnetic field model into an axisymmetric, two-dimensional, incompressible fluid flow model yielding accurate predictions of fluid motion induced by a magnetic field. To simulate MP2, a three-dimensional magnetic field and magnetic force model was developed as a feature of a commercially available fluid flow model which has been well validated. The computational tool was then improved upon to model magnetically induced flows in a transient acceleration field. Simulation predictions obtained with the enhanced model are compared to available reduced gravity experiment data. Evidence is presented and conclusions are drawn that support the continued use of the simulation as viable modeling and predictive tool in the continuing study of MP2. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Publication Title

Computers and Fluids
