Branding the elite professional athlete through use of new media and technology: An interview with Ash de Walt


Current research in the area of sport marketing has provided new insight into the discussion concerning athlete brands. No longer are athletes simply of interest in areas of product endorsements; many are now considered powerful brands in their own right. Due to the relatively short careers of athletes, branding agencies specialising in the development and management of athlete brands have begun to market exclusive athlete branded content and entertainment. While superstars throughout the entertainment world have been of particular interest for some time, the extant literature on this topic has focused almost exclusively on the role of the athlete. However, very little is known about the role of the agency. This research adopts an expert interview methodology to explore the strategies employed by FusionSports, a marketing group specialising in digital athlete branding, in its effort to monetise the value of an athlete brand. Copyright © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

Publication Title

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing
