Effects of Parental Interaction on Infant Vocalization Rate, Variability and Vocal Type


Examination of infant vocalization patterns across interactive and noninteractive contexts may facilitate better understanding of early communication development. In the current study, with 24 infant-parent dyads, infant volubility increased significantly when parent interaction ceased (presenting a "still face," or SF) after a period of normal interaction ("face-to-face," or FF). Infant volubility continued at the higher rate than in FF when the parent re-engaged ("reunion," or RE). Additionally, during SF, the variability in volubility across infants decreased, suggesting the infants adopted relatively similar rates of vocalization to re-engage the parent. The pattern of increasing volubility in SF was seen across all of the most common speech-like vocal types of the first half-year of life (e.g., full vowels, quasivowels, squeals, growls). Parent and infant volubility levels were not significantly correlated. The findings suggest that by six months of age infants have learned that their vocalizations have social value and that changes in volubility can affect parental engagement. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Publication Title

Language Learning and Development
