Smoking cessation in pregnant women


Cigarette smoking is considered the most significant modifiable cause of adverse pregnancy outcomes in US women. Smoking cessation in pregnant patients is one of the most effective ways to reduce negative pregnancy outcomes of fetal growth retardation, preterm delivery, and perinatal mortality. Research evidence documenting the effectiveness of health care provider interventions in smoking cessation has led to the PHS recommendation to screen and counsel every patient.16 Materials from the PHS and NCI are available to assist health care providers in developing a brief office-based intervention. Patient materials for distribution are also available.16, 57 Increased use of office-based cessation strategies, of cessation programs in community-based interventions, and of pharmacologic therapies is necessary to remedy the public health burden of fetal exposure to tobacco. Relapse prevention methods using office-based and social support systems are important to improve long-term maintenance of cessation in women who quit smoking during pregnancy.

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Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America

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