"Smoking-related correlates of depressive symptoms in low-income pregna" by Mark W. Vander Weg, Kenneth D. Ward et al.

Smoking-related correlates of depressive symptoms in low-income pregnant women


Objectives: To investigate smoking-related correlates of depressive symptomatology in low-income pregnant women. Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 245 pregnant women who smoked prior to pregnancy. Results: Women who had lower self-efficacy for maintaining abstinence both in positive affect/ social situations and when experiencing negative affect demonstrated greater depressive symptomatology. Additionally, marijuana use, nicotine dependence, and general confidence in one's ability to quit smoking showed a positive relationship to depression. Conclusions: Several modifiable factors that can be targeted through behavioral and cognitive behavioral intervention strategies appear to influence the relationship between depression and smoking in low-income pregnant women.

Publication Title

American Journal of Health Behavior

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