"Substance abuse treatment effectiveness of publicly funded clients in " by Satish Kedia and Stephanie W. Perry

Substance abuse treatment effectiveness of publicly funded clients in Tennessee


The Tennessee Outcomes for Alcohol and Drug Services (TOADS) in collaboration with the Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services at the Tennessee Department of Health evaluated the effectiveness of publicly funded substance abuse treatment programs in Tennessee by collecting and analyzing data from clients treated between 1998 and 2000. Using a structured questionnaire, TOADS staff conducted telephone interviews with clients 6 months after their admission to treatment facilities. The sample populations for these follow-up interviews ranged from 1,150 to 1,350 clients over the 3 years, and each year, post-treatment abstinence rates were around 60%, which suggests that treatment in Tennessee has been successful in reducing substance abuse. In addition, the follow-up interview data suggest that treatment also helped drastically reduce both unemployment and arrests among clients. These findings in Tennessee are comparable to treatment outcomes in other states. In addition to the positive effects that treatment has on clients, treatment is also cost-effective for state budgets since treatment reduces many of the burdens substance abuse places on the criminal justice system, the healthcare system, and other state-supported services.

Publication Title

Journal of the National Medical Association

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