Dual-filtering (DF) schemes for learning systems to prevent adversarial attacks


Defenses against adversarial attacks are essential to ensure the reliability of machine-learning models as their applications are expanding in different domains. Existing ML defense techniques have several limitations in practical use. We proposed a trustworthy framework that employs an adaptive strategy to inspect both inputs and decisions. In particular, data streams are examined by a series of diverse filters before sending to the learning system and then crossed checked its output through anomaly (outlier) detectors before making the final decision. Experimental results (using benchmark data-sets) demonstrated that our dual-filtering strategy could mitigate adaptive or advanced adversarial manipulations for wide-range of ML attacks with higher accuracy. Moreover, the output decision boundary inspection with a classification technique automatically affirms the reliability and increases the trustworthiness of any ML-based decision support system. Unlike other defense techniques, our dual-filtering strategy does not require adversarial sample generation and updating the decision boundary for detection, makes the ML defense robust to adaptive attacks.

Publication Title

Complex and Intelligent Systems
