Finding an effective way to create learning environments for didactic courses in a virtual classroom setting


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic forced college administrators to do virtual classes using Zoom webinars during the autumn of 2021. The study objective is to examine the relative efficacy of interactive vs non-interactive Zoom webinars in virtual classrooms during the COVID-19 era. Methods: These two modes of live Zoom webinars were used for Year 1 Pharmacy students. Two surveys were conducted among students for general feedback on teaching and their preferred type of virtual learning. Results: Amongst the 177 students present, 87 (49%) responded to the first survey, of whom 20 (23%) provided their feedback about the Zoom webinar. Amongst these responders, a relatively higher number of students preferred interactive Zoom webinars with student panellists. Also, of the 177 students, 118 (66.7%) students responded to the second survey on the mode of live Zoom webinars. Amongst the respondents, around 88-99 (74-84%) agreed or strongly agreed that a live Zoom webinar with interactive sessions is more effective than non-interactive sessions. Additionally, 73 (62%) of the respondents preferred five to ten students in the panel. Furthermore, the survey analysis suggested that the effectiveness of interactive sessions is the same irrespective of the instructors. Conclusion: The results concluded that the interactive live Zoom webinar with 5-10 student panellists is effective in creating a learning environment in virtual didactic courses.

Publication Title

Pharmacy Education
