Black lives matter and global struggles for racial justice in education: Black liberation and political education: The valorizing of afro-ecuadorian thought


Moving beyond the nominal recognition of Black lives toward a struggle for Black liberation raises several challenges, one of which is the critical role of political education. For this reason, this article explores Euromodernity’s constructions and sustenance of apolitical educational arrangements that constrain political speech fundamental to a democratic education. It argues, among other things, that the primacy of capitalist logics in education forecloses salient political questions and the role of racism in sustaining the relationship between exploitative capitalism and schooling. The essay critically examines the unthinking subject as a product of miseducation, and as such, miseducation becomes fundamentally antipolitical and serves as a formof dehumanization.Thismeans repoliticizing education for racial liberation mandates centering Black valuation in educational arrangements. In applied terms, the article offers an examination of participatory action research as an approach to the repoliticization of education.

Publication Title

Comparative Education Review
