Comparing anterior cruciate ligament injury risk variables between unanticipated cutting and decelerating tasks


To examine the relationship between anterior cruciate ligament injury risk factors in unanticipated cutting and decelerating. Three-dimensional kinematics and ground reaction forces were collected on 11 females (22 [2] y, 1.67 [0.08] m, and 68.5 [9.8] kg) during 2 unanticipated tasks. Paired samples t tests were performed to compare dependent variables between tasks. Spearman rank correlation coefficients were calculated to analyze the relationship between peak internal knee adduction moment and peak anterior tibial shear force (ASF) during 2 unanticipated tasks. Significantly greater knee abduction angles, peak knee adduction moments, and peak ASFs were observed during cutting (P ≤ .05). A strong positive correlation existed between decelerating ASF and cutting ASF (ρ = .67), while correlations between decelerating knee adduction moment and cutting knee adduction moment and decelerating ASF and cutting knee adduction moment were not significant. In situations where time management is a necessity and only one task can be evaluated, it may be more appropriate to utilize an unanticipated cutting task rather than an unanticipated deceleration task because of the increased knee adduction moment and ASF. These data can help future clinicians in better designing more effective anterior cruciate ligament injury risk screening methods.

Publication Title

Journal of Applied Biomechanics
