Immunohistochemical detection of CD10 in paraffin sections of hematopoietic neoplasms: A comparison with flow cytometry detection in 56 cases


Paraffin-section immunohistochemistry with heat-induced epitope retrieval using a newly characterized monoclonal antibody (clone 56C6) against the CD10 antigen was performed on 56 hematopoietic tumors previously studied for CD10 expression by flow cytometry. The cases included 33 precursor Blymphoblastic leukemias, 10 acute myeloid leukemias, five precursor T-lymphoblastic leukemias, five follicular lymphomas, and three Burkitt cell leukemias. Forty of the 56 cases were CD10 positive by flow cytometry studies, including all five follicular lymphomas (100%); 30 of 33 (91%) cases of precursor B-lymphoblastic leukemias, two of three (66%) cases of Burkitt cell leukemias, two of five (40%) cases of precursor T-lymphoblastic leukemias, and none of the 10 cases of acute myeloid leukemia. Thirty-nine of the 40 (97%) flow cytometric CD10-positive cases also expressed CD10 by immunohistochemistry in formalin- or B5-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, with only one case of precursor B-lymphoblastic leukemia being positive by flow cytometry and negative by immunohistochemistry. The 16 CD10-negative flow cytometry specimens were all also negative by immunohistochemistry. Thirty-seven CD10 immunohistochemistry positive cases showed a diffuse membranous staining pattern and two cases demonstrated a Golgi staining pattern. The fixation methods (10% neutral buffered formalin versus B5) and decalcification did not affect the CD10 immunostaining results. This study demonstrates that the new CD10 monoclonal antibody clone 56C6 is a reliable marker for detection of CD 10 antigen expression in formalin- and B5-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue after heat-induced epitope retrieval when compared with flow cytometry detection of fresh tissue samples.

Publication Title

Applied Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology
