Event-triggered fault detection for discrete-time LPV systems


In this paper, a new event-triggering mechanism is proposed for the problem of fault detection (FD) in discrete-time linear parameter-varying (LPV) systems. A parameter-dependent event-based observer is designed as the residual generator, that only uses the sensor and scheduling variables data that are transmitted only when they are needed. Toward this goal, based on the concept of input-to-state stability, a new formulation is presented to satisfy the H- performance measures and for each performance index, sufficient conditions are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities problems. It is shown that through two event-triggered data transmission mechanisms, the amount of data sent to the fault detection module is decreased significantly. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design methodology.

Publication Title

2016 2nd International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication, and Signal Processing, EBCCSP 2016 - Proceedings
