"Corrigendum to “Dichotic listening deficits in amblyaudia are characte" by Sara Momtaz, Deborah Moncrieff et al.

Corrigendum to “Dichotic listening deficits in amblyaudia are characterized by aberrant neural oscillations in auditory cortex” [Clin. Neurophysiol. 132 (2021) 2152–2162, (Clinical Neurophysiology (2021) 132(2152-2162) (S1388245721005940), (10.1016/j.clinph.2021.04.022))


In the published version of the article, the behavioral data presented in Fig. 1 showed duplicate measures in panels A and C. The corrected figure along with original legend is shown below. The corresponding statistical results and discussion in the paper are unaffected. The authors apologize for this error and note that the figure correction does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

Publication Title

Clinical Neurophysiology
