A blockchain-based reputation system for data credibility assessment in vehicular networks


The security of vehicular networks has been paid increasing attention to with the rapid development of automobile industry and Internet of Things (IoT). However, existing approaches mainly focus on ensuring data authentication and integrity, which are not sufficient to assess the credibility of received messages. Recently, reputation systems are proved to be effective approaches to solve the above problem. This paper proposes a new reputation system for data credibility assessment based on the blockchain techniques. In this system, vehicles rate the received messages based on observations of traffic environments and pack these ratings into a "block". Each block is "chained" to the previous one by storing the hash value of the previous block. Then, a temporary center node is elected from vehicles and it is responsible for broadcasting its rating block to others. Based on ratings stored in the blockchain, vehicles are able to calculate the reputation value of the message sender and then evaluate the credibility of the message. Simulation results reveal that the proposed system is reliable in collecting, validating, and storing reputation information in vehicular networks.

Publication Title

IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC
