"DARE: Deep Anaphora Resolution in dialogue based intelligent tutoring " by Nobal B. Niraula, Vasile Rus et al.

DARE: Deep Anaphora Resolution in dialogue based intelligent tutoring systems


Anaphora resolution is a central topic in dialogue and discourse processing that deals with finding the referents of pronouns. There are no studies, to the best of our knowledge, that focus on anaphora resolution in the context of tutorial dialogues. In this paper, we present the first version of DARE (Deep Anaphora Resolution Engine), an anaphora resolution engine for dialogue-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems. The development of DARE was guided by dialogues obtained from two dialogue-based computer tutors: DeepTutor and AutoTutor.

Publication Title

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, EDM 2013

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