"Evidence-based clustering for scalable inference in Markov logic" by Deepak Venugopal and Vibhav Gogate

Evidence-based clustering for scalable inference in Markov logic


Lifted inference algorithms take advantage of symmetries in first-order probabilistic logic representations such as Markov logic networks (MLNs), and are naturally more scalable than propositional inference algorithms which ground the MLN. However, lifted inference algorithms have an "evidence problem" - evidence breaks symmetries, and the performance of lifted inference algorithms is the same as propositional inference algorithms (or sometimes worse, due to overhead). In this paper, we propose a general method for addressing this problem. The main idea in our method is to approximate the given MLN having, say, n objects by an MLN having k objects such that k << n and the results obtained by running potentially much faster inference on the smaller MLN are as close as possible to the ones obtained by running inference on the larger MLN. We achieve this by finding clusters of "similar" groundings using standard clustering algorithms (e.g., K-means), and replacing all groundings in the cluster by their cluster center. To this end, we develop a novel distance (or similarity) function for measuring the similarity between two groundings, based on the evidence presented to the MLN. We evaluated our approach on different benchmarks utilizing various clustering and inference algorithms. Our experiments clearly show the generality and scalability of our approach.

Publication Title

AAAI Workshop - Technical Report

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