"On paraphrase identification corpora" by Vasile Rus, Rajendra Banjade et al.

On paraphrase identification corpora


We analyze in this paper a number of data sets proposed over the last decade or so for the task of paraphrase identification. The goal of the analysis is to identify the advantages as well as shortcomings of the previously proposed data sets. Based on the analysis, we then make recommendations about how to improve the process of creating and using such data sets for evaluating in the future approaches to the task of paraphrase identification or the more general task of semantic similarity. The recommendations are meant to improve our understanding of what a paraphrase is, offer a more fair ground for comparing approaches, increase the diversity of actual linguistic phenomena that future data sets will cover, and offer ways to improve our understanding of the contributions of various modules or approaches proposed for solving the task of paraphrase identification or similar tasks. We also developed a data collection tool, called Data Collector, that proactively targets the collection of paraphrase instances covering linguistic phenomena important to paraphrasing.

Publication Title

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2014

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