Regularity theory of hyperbolic equations with non-homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. II. General boundary data


This paper studies the regularity of solutions of general, mixed, second-order, time-dependent, hyperbolic problems of Neumann type. In a previous paper [I. Lasiecka and R. Triggiani, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (IV) CLVII (1990), 285-367] using pseudo-differential calculus, we have provided sharp regularity results of the solutions and their traces, when the non-homogeneous data are in L2. Now, we complement this study by providing a regularity when the non-homogeneous data are more regular than, as well as less regular than, L2. In contrast with our previous paper, a functional analytic approach based on the L2-results of our previous paper is used throughout. © 1991.

Publication Title

Journal of Differential Equations
