"Well-posedness and sharp uniform decay rates at the L 2(Ω) -Level of t" by Irena Lasiecka and Roberto Triggiani

Well-posedness and sharp uniform decay rates at the L 2(Ω) -Level of the Schrödinger equation with nonlinear boundary dissipation


We prove that the Schrödinger equation defined on a bounded open domain of ℝn and subject to a certain attractive, nonlinear, dissipative boundary feedback is (semigroup) well-posed on L 2(Ω) for any n = 1, 2, 3, ..., and, moreover, stable on L 2(Ω) for n = 2, 3, with sharp (optimal) uniform rates of decay. Uniformity is with respect to all initial conditions contained in a given L 2(Ω)-ball. This result generalizes the corresponding linear case which was proved recently in [L-T-Z.2]. Both results critically rely-at the outset-on a far general result of interest in its own right: an energy estimate at the L 2(Ω)-level for a fully general Schrödinger equation with gradient and potential terms. The latter requires a heavy use of pseudo-differential/micro-local machinery [L-T-Z.2, Section 10], to shift down the more natural H 1(Ω)-level energy estimate to the L 2(Ω)-level. In the present nonlinear boundary dissipation case, the resulting energy estimate is then shown to fit into the general uniform stabilization strategy, first proposed in [La-Ta.1] in the case of wave equations with nonlinear (interior and) boundary dissipation. © Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2006.

Publication Title

Journal of Evolution Equations
