Induction of fumarase in resting Euglena


Exposure of dark-grown resting (carbon deficient) Euglena to light, ethanol or malate produced a transient increase in the specific activity of fumarase. Fumarase levels decreased 8-12 h after the start of induction and this decrease could not be prevented by additional inducer. During the period of fumarase accumulation, cycloheximide prevented further fumarase synthesis and enzyme levels decreased at a rate comparable to the rate of decline normally observed 8-12 h after the start of induction. Although the addition of ethanol to ethanol-induced cultures or malate to malate-induced cultures 12 or 24 h after the initial induction failed to maintain or induce additional fumarase synthesis, the addition of organic carbon to photoinduced cells 8 or 24 h after light exposure induced additional enzyme synthesis. Additional enzyme synthesis was not induced when ethanol- or malate-induced cells were exposed to light 12 or 24 h after organic carbon addition. Light exposure or ethanol addition failed to induce fumarase synthesis during balanced growth indicating that fumarse inducibility is a property of resting cells. © 1982.

Publication Title

BBA - General Subjects
