RGB high brightness LED modules for projection display application


Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have numerous advantages, such as long lifetime, large color gamut, small size, and absence of mercury vapor. In recent years, there has been recognition that high brightness LED could be an alternative light source for projection display application. In this work, dielectric compound parabolic concentrators (CPCs) were designed and optimized for multiple-LED array package for projection display application. The performance of rectangular CPC was studied and compared to theoretical simulations. More than 85% light, emitted by multiple-LED arrays, can be collected by the CPC and transmitted within the designed angle. A rectangular CPC was fabricated as the collector and collimator. The CPC was integrated with multiple-LED array package, and RGB high brightness LED modules with rectangular CPCs were fabricated and their performances were characterized. © 2011 IEEE.

Publication Title

IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology
