"Thermally stimulated luminescence from rare-earth-doped barium copper " by D. W. Cooke, H. Rempp et al.

Thermally stimulated luminescence from rare-earth-doped barium copper oxides


We report the first thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) and emission-spectra measurements of x-ray-induced defects in Ho1.5Ba1.5Cu2Ox and GdBa2Cu3Ox in the temperature interval 80-300 K. The Gd-doped oxide exhibits a single TSL glow peak at 195 K with concomitant single-band emission with maximum at 500 nm. Two TSL glow peaks (160 and 172 K) are observed in Ho1.5Ba1.5Cu2Ox, whose spectral emission is characterized by complex, temperature-dependent maxima at 450 and 660 nm. Possible defect mechanisms are discussed. © 1987 The American Physical Society.

Publication Title

Physical Review B
