"Thermally stimulated luminescence studies of x-irradiated L-alanine:Cr" by D. W. Cooke and M. S. Jahan

Thermally stimulated luminescence studies of x-irradiated L-alanine:Cr 3+ single crystals


Thermally stimulated luminescence studies of x-irradiated L-alanine:Cr 3+ have been conducted in the interval 10-300 K. Glow peaks were observed at 42, 60, 72, 148, and 208 K. The 148 K peak has been previously reported, while the one at 208 K was of insufficient intensity to study. Also, the 60 K peak was difficult to analyze due to overlap with the neighboring peaks. Detailed analyses of the 42 and 72 K peaks yielded, respectively, the following parameters: E=24 meV, s=5.3 s-1, and l=1; E=180 meV, s=2.4×1010 s-1 and l=2.8, where l is the kinetics order. Identical emission was observed from each peak, characterized by a maximum at 445 nm with FWHM equal to 0.605 eV. A tentative model is presented to explain these results in terms of detrapping and deexcitation via the excited singlet and triplet states. © 1983 American Institute of Physics.

Publication Title

The Journal of Chemical Physics
