Individual part score profiles of children with intellectual disability: A descriptive analysis across three intelligence tests


This study examined the group- and individual-level part score profiles of children with intellectual disability (ID) who participated in clinical validity studies supporting three individually administered intelligence tests. Across tests, children with ID produced group-level profiles comprising mean part scores that fell in the Low to Very Low ranges. However, profile similarity analysis revealed that few of these children exhibited profiles similar to their respective group-level profile. When profiles of individual children were examined, 7% to 17% obtained at least one part score in the Average range or higher (standard score s 90), and 33% to 52% obtained at least one part score in the Low Average range or higher (standard score s 80). Moreover, the percentage of children who would not be identified as having ID based on elevated part scores ranged between 33% and 80%. Based on these results and considering the diagnostic criteria for ID, deferring diagnosis and denying services to children who meet all criteria for ID but who have elevated part scores yielded from valid testing, when there is no.

Publication Title

School Psychology Review

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