"Parenting in matched pairs of women of color experiencing intimate par" by Idia B. Thurston, Kathryn H. Howell et al.

Parenting in matched pairs of women of color experiencing intimate partner violence and living with and without HIV


This study explored the associations between depression and parenting among women of color with low income levels who were exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV) and HIV. Participants were 60 Black, multiracial, and Hispanic/Latina mothers (Mage = 36.66, SD = 6.99) in the midsouth region of the United States. Mothers were recruited from community organizations and reported their experiences with IPV, HIV, depression, potentially traumatic events (PTE), parenting practices, and child maladaptive functioning. Participants living with HIV and experiencing recent IPV (i.e., cases) were matched on age, race, ethnicity, and educational attainment with mothers experiencing recent IPV (i.e., controls), for a matched sample of 30 pairs. Analyses were conducted to examine how HIV status moderated the associations between depressive symptoms and both negative and positive parenting while accounting for PTE, child maladaptive functioning, and IPV severity. The moderation model for negative parenting was significant, f2 = 0.58, but the moderation model for positive parenting was not, p =.346. Specifically, moderation was supported, B = 0.43, 95% CI [0.03, 0.83], t(53) = 2.17, p =.035, indicating that the association between depressive symptoms and negative parenting was moderated by HIV status. The findings highlight the added burden of a physical health condition on parenting practices. Given the role of negative parenting (i.e., inconsistency, poor monitoring, corporal punishment) in exacerbating poor health outcomes among children exposed to adversity, clinicians and researchers must develop family-based strategies to decrease these practices.

Publication Title

Journal of Traumatic Stress
