The Mobile Fact and Concept Textbook System (MoFaCTS) computational model and scheduling system
An intelligent textbook may be defined as an interaction layer between the text and the student, helping the student master the content in the text. The Mobile Fact and Concept Training System (MoFaCTS) is an adaptive instructional system for simple content that has been developed into an interaction layer to mediate textbook instruction and so is being transformed into the Mobile Fact and Concept Textbook System (MoFaCTS). In this paper, we document the several terms of the logistic regression model we use to track performance adaptively. We then examine the contribution of each component of our model when it is fit to 4 semesters of Anatomy and Physiology course practice data. Following this documentation of the model, we explain how it is applied in the MoFaCTS system to schedule performance by targeting practice for each item at an optimal efficiency threshold.
Publication Title
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Recommended Citation
Pavlik, P., & Eglington, L. (2021). The Mobile Fact and Concept Textbook System (MoFaCTS) computational model and scheduling system. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2895, 93-107. Retrieved from