Time perspectives and subjective Weil-being: A dual-pathway framework


In this chapter, we review the literature on the relations between time perspective and well-being. Time perspective is shown to be a stronger influence on individuals’ happiness than personality. The evidence we review suggests that time perspectives influence well-being through both direct and indirect pathways. The past time perspectives exert a direct influence on how people assess their satisfaction in life, while a future orientation impacts happiness through its influence on how people assess their prospects for the future. In contrast, the present time dimensions appear to impact people’s well-being indirectly, by influencing the behaviors that determine life circumstances, which in turn influence well-being. In addition, the future time dimension also exerts an indirect influence on well-being. People who are more future oriented are found to take actions that establish congenial life circumstances that are more likely to lead to a higher sense of well-being.

Publication Title

Time Perspective Theory; Review, Research and Application: Essays in Honor of Philip G. Zimbardo
